Stigmella geimontani

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Stigmella geimontani
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Dwarf miners (Nepticulidae)
Subfamily : Nepticulinae
Genre : Stigmella
Type : Stigmella geimontani
Scientific name
Stigmella geimontani
( Klimesch , 1940)

Stigmella geimontani is a butterfly in the genus Stigmella in the family of miner moths (Nepticulidae). The species was discovered in 1939 by Josef Klimesch in the Dachstein area and named after the host plant of its caterpillar, the mountain carnation root ( Geum montanum ).


The adults reach a wingspan of 5.5 to 6 millimeters and are among the largest of their kind. The species shows a sexual dimorphism : the males are larger, with pale olive-gray forewings, which wear a light, faintly metallic band. The females are more compact and darker in color. Its forewing is greenish ore-colored up to the band and purple-brown behind the band up to the wing tip. The hind wings are gray in both sexes. The hair on the head is black in both sexes, the top of the neck and eyelids yellowish. Regarding the structure of the genital organs, reference is made to the original literature. The caterpillar is amber yellow with a brown head capsule.

Way of life

The eggs are laid on a basal leaf of the mountain carnation root ( Geum montanum ). The mine, the beginning of which is colored reddish by anthocyanin , is initially more or less twisted and then mostly follows the course of a vein.


So far, Stigmella geimontani has only been found in the north-eastern Alps at altitudes between 1700 and 2000 meters: in the Dachstein region and in the Styrian Niedere Tauern : Bösenstein and Zeiritzkampel .


  • Josef Klimesch: Description of some new Nepticula species (Lep., Nepticulidae). Journal of the Austrian Entomological Association, Volume 25, 1940, Pages 79–81 and 89–94, PDF full text part 1 , PDF full text part 2 .
  • Josef Klimesch: Contributions to the knowledge of the Nepticulidae (Lep., Monotrysia). Journal of the Österr. Entomologen, Volume 32, 1981, Pages 113-128 PDF full text .

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