Silent help for South Tyrol

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Silent Help for South Tyrol eV was a non-profit organization from 1963 to 2003 which, according to the statutes, campaigned for “members of the German ethnic group in South Tyrol in need ”. The association gained nationwide fame through the so-called “cheese box affair” involving its chairman Gerhard Bletschacher .

Goals of the association

According to its statutes, the association had to "serve the preservation of folk and customs, with the sole objective of providing direct support to all members of the German ethnic group in South Tyrol who were in need in an ideal, social and material way within the scope of its performance." Among other things, needy mountain farming families and villages are supported.

Club history

The association was founded on March 13, 1963 a. a. founded by Gerhard Bletschacher. Bletschacher was also first chairman until May 1995. In the course of time it was possible to win over 30,000 members and sponsors and raise around 60 million DM . The money was then used to build kindergartens, rescue vehicles and mountain farming families in need. In cooperation with the South Tyrolean Farmers' Association and the daily newspaper Dolomiten , the "South Tyrolean Mountain Farmers Prize " was awarded annually for the management of farms in disadvantaged locations.

In 1995 it became known that Bletschacher had embezzled DM 4.7 million from the club's assets for his troubled company. Bletschacher then resigned as chairman and was subsequently sentenced to 3 years and 9 months in prison. The incident came to be known as the cheese box affair after the packaging company's main product .

In 2003, after 40 years, the association was dissolved by the successor to Bletschacher and then chairman Walter Layritz.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bettina Bäumlisberger , Markus Krischer : Munich - Cheap syringe. Focus, May 8, 1995 (issue 19/1995)
  2. Short text on the person of Gerhard Bletschacher. Der Spiegel, October 16, 1995 (issue 42/1995)
  3. ^ Jürgen Umlauft : Munich - CSU: Scandals and affairs - a chronicle., July 24, 2004
  4. Harry Luck : Nazi comparison - "Propeller-Erich" and "Käseschachtel-Affair" Focus Online, October 1, 2007 (page 2/2)