Stocznia Gdanska B437

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Stocznia Gdanska B437 p1
Ship data
Ship type Reefer ship
Shipyard Stocznia Gdańska , Danzig
Construction period 1973 to 1982
Units built ~ 20
Cruising areas Worldwide trip
Ship dimensions and crew
139.60 m ( Lüa )
128.00 m ( Lpp )
width 18.04 m
Side height 11.49 m
Draft Max. 7.78 m
measurement 6391 BRT, 2524 NRT
crew 46
Machine system
machine 1 × Cegielski-Sulzer 8RND68 two-stroke diesel engine
performanceTemplate: Infobox ship / maintenance / service format
9,715 kW (13,209 hp)
20.7 kn (38 km / h)
4 × Cegielski-Sulzer 5A25 diesel engines
powerTemplate: Infobox ship / maintenance / service format
2,016 kW (2,741 hp)
propeller 1
Transport capacities
Load capacity 5880 dw

Nikolay Kopernik

The 1973 than Stocznia Gdanska B437 of the Gdansk Shipyard (Stocznia Gdańska in Lenina.) Built vessel type was a series of reefers .


With 20 units built, the design is one of the most successful designs by the Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk, as well as one of the most successful designs in the segment concerned.

Almost three quarters of the series were delivered to Sudoimport, the foreign trade company of the USSR, three ships of the type went to the Polish shipping company Polskie Linie Oceaniczne (Polish Ocean Lines) and a Honduran subsidiary of the United Brands Company .

The ships were designed as conventional reefer ships. They had a continuous main deck with a forecastle and superstructures arranged amidships with machinery under the deckhouse. The ships had four 7430 m³ insulated refrigerated holds with tween decks. Two of the holds were in front of and two behind the deckhouse. The transshipment facilities consisted of eight conventional 5-ton loading trees. The powerful drive system consisted of an eight-cylinder, two-stroke Sulzer 8RND68 diesel engine with an output of 13,200 hp at 150 revolutions per minute. In addition, four 750 hp Sulzer 5A25 auxiliary diesels were installed. All engines were built under license by H. Cegielski - Poznań in Poznan.

The ships

The refrigerated ships of the type Stocznia Gdańska B437
Ship name Build number IMO number delivery Client Renaming and whereabouts
Nikolay Kopernik B437-1 7362342 1973 Sudoimport 1991 Nikolajs Koperniks , demolition from August 13, 1999 in Alang
Mikhail Lomonosov B437-2 7362354 May 27, 1974 Sudoimport 1991 Mihails Lomonosovs , demolition from July 6, 2004 in Alang
Pavel Shternberg B437-3 7362366 1974 Sudoimport 1991 Pavels Sternbergs , demolition from July 4, 1999 in Mumbai
Vasiliy Fesenkov B437-4 7384077 1974 Sudoimport 1991 Vasilijs Fesenkovs , demolition from September 8, 1999 in Alang
Fedor Bredikhin B437-5 7384089 1975 Sudoimport 1992 Fjodors Bredihins , 1999 Fyodor Bredikhin , 2003 Aria , canceled from February 17, 2004 in China
Vasiliy Struve B437-6 7384091 July 1, 1975 Sudoimport 1992 Vasilijs Struve , 2000 Saptari , demolition from May 2002
Pavel Parenago B437-7 7384106 September 1975 Sudoimport 1992 Pavels Parenago , 2000 Saratau , 2001 Saratan , 2001 Baltic Reefer , demolition from May 2003 in Alang
Aristarkh Belopolskiy B437-8 7384118 1975 Sudoimport 1995 Aristarhs Belopolskis , demolition from October 31, 1999 in Calcutta
Ivan Kulibin B437-9 7511577 1976 Sudoimport 1991 Ivans Kulibins , demolished on July 30, 1999 in Alang
Ivan Polzunov B437-10 7511589 September 1976 Sudoimport 1991 Ivan Polzunovs , 2000 Ivan Polzunov , published since September 9, 2010
Ilya Mechnikov B437-11 7511591 December 1976 Sudoimport 2006 Komandir , demolition from May 17th, 2008
Professor Popov B437-12 7511606 April 1977 Sudoimport Demolition from May 13, 2004 in Alang
Rio Cuyamel B437-13 7602728 1978 United Brands 1999 Cuyamel , demolition from May 15, 1999 in Jamnagar
Rio Sulaco B437-14 7602730 1978 United Brands 1996 Spartian , demolition from May 1999 in India
Dzieci Polskie B437-15 7511606 December 1977 Polskie line Oceaniczne 1992 Baltic Trader , 1996 Irene , 1998 Syros Reefer , demolition from May 17th, 2000 in Alang
Gdynski Kosynier B437-16 7636731 1978 Polskie line Oceaniczne 1992 Arctic Trader , 1998 Paros Reefer , demolition from May 8, 2001 in Alang
Zyrardov B437-17 7619513 April 1980 Polskie line Oceaniczne 1992 Nordic Trader , 1995 Aquila II , 1998 Ocean Breeze , on September 24, 2001 at position 14.01 ° N; 042.41 ° E lost
Rio Ulua B437-18 7806673 July 1980 United Brands 1980 Rio Sixaola , 1989 Rio Ulua , 1999 Ulua , demolition from May 1999
Akademik Khokhlov B437-41 7826128 July 1980 Sudoimport 1991 Akademikis Hohlovs , 2008 Akademik Hohlov , in motion
Akademik Artobolevskiy B437-42 7826130 June 1981 Sudoimport 1991 Akademikis Artobolevskis , 2003 Blue Stream , demolition from June 27, 2008 in Alang

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Nikolay Kopernik in china ships ( Memento of the original December 25, 2015 Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link is automatically inserted and not yet tested. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. The Fedor Bredikhin in cargo-vessels-international (PDF, 117 kB; English)
  3. The Dzieci Polskie at shipphotos ( Memento of the original from January 14, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /