Striped principle

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Striped principle

Striped prinie ( Prinia gracilis )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Cisticolidae (Cisticolidae)
Subfamily : Priniinae
Genre : Prinia
Type : Striped principle
Scientific name
Prinia gracilis
( Lichtenstein , 1823)

The striped prinie ( Prinia gracilis ) is a songbird species from the family of the stalk warbler (Cisticolidae).


The strip line reaches a body length of 10 to 11 centimeters. It is similar to the desert prinine , but its head is smaller, rounder and more monochrome. The upper side is quite monochrome pale gray-brownish, the top of the head and back are finely dotted with dark lines. Compared to the desert prinline, the light over-eye stripe and the dark eye-stripe are missing. The underside is a single color, dirty white. The tail is long and heavily tiered. The control springs have black subterminal pads and white tips. The beak is black in the male in splendid plumage and brown in the female.

distribution and habitat

The breeding area includes Turkey and the Middle East. Here the species breeds in dry and damp areas in bushes and tall grass, as well as often on the banks of rivers and ponds and in ditches. The striped prinie also inhabits cultivated areas and occurs near buildings if there are dense undergrowth, tamarisk bushes , reeds , rushes or the like.

Way of life

Prinia gracilis palaestinae

The striped prinie is usually not very shy and lively, but stays mainly in dense vegetation and rarely comes to the ground. The closed nest is built in low bushes or in tall grass. The striped prinie is an annual bird .


The lure is an explosive "tip!" or metallic rattling "srrrrrrt". The rhythm swings a little. The warning call is a pointed "tsiit", which is similar to that of the tree pipit. The singing is a monotonous "srrLÍP srrLÍP".

supporting documents

  • RF Porter, S. Christensen, P. Schiermacker-Hansen: Birds of the Middle East. Princeton University-Press, Princeton and Oxford, 1996: pp. 164-165 and 375, ISBN 978-0-691-12104-8
  • Lars Svensson , Peter J. Grant, Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström: The new cosmos bird guide. Franckh Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 978-3-440-07720-7 , p. 288 f.

Web links

Commons : Stripes  - collection of images, videos and audio files