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Strypi is the name of an American sounding rocket that was developed by Sandia National Laboratories .

A Castor rocket, supported by two Recruit boosters, is used as the first stage . Depending on the version, different upper levels are used. The Strypi has a diameter of 79 cm and reaches a summit height of 200 kilometers.

It was originally developed as a launch vehicle for atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. In this role she was used only once, when she took off from Johnston Island on October 20, 1962 to detonate a nuclear explosive device at a height of 147 km for the test " Dominic Checkmate " .

Numerous other high-altitude rocket launches were made primarily from the Kauai Test Facility , but also from the Poker Flat Research Range and the Wallops Flight Facility .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nuclear Weapons Archives: Operation Dominic