Level training

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A step-by-step training is a technically related system of training measures that is arranged in steps. You can only take part in a higher training level if the previous level (s) have been successfully completed. Educational measures structured in this way exist in various areas.

Level training (vocational training)

A level training is completed in individual levels. This form of training is to be distinguished from the tiered training (see below), as it is z. B. When applying for financial resources, it depends on whether the trainee is in a first or second training. Up to the successful completion of the last level, the trainee is in a level training in the initial training (provided that he has not already achieved another degree).

Graduated training

In in-company vocational training, there is also a variant of tiered training courses in Germany (e.g. in the construction industry, in the textile and leather industry, in postal services and in the rescue service). The entire training usually consists of two stages. It can end after each level with a recognized qualification in a training occupation, or it can be continued with the next level. After completing the first stage of a tiered training, the initial training is also completed - it is continued as a second training. In the construction industry, for example, the apprenticeship ends after two years with the qualification as a building construction worker , another one-year apprenticeship then leads to a mason or a concrete and reinforced concrete worker .

From 1972 to 1987, the industrial electrical professions were also trained in stages. However, due to differing views on the part of the social partners, this form was abandoned with the reorganization of 1987.

Level training (fire brigade)

There is a nationwide unique training program of professional fire Dusseldorf , as well as the works fire from Henkel . Due to problems in finding suitable offspring for the fire service, the Düsseldorf professional fire brigade began a special project to train the new offspring itself. School leavers were hired directly, who then undergo 18-month special craft training tailored to the needs of the fire service before they go into traditional basic fire service training . The technical training is about imparting the necessary knowledge for the emergency service in four areas and consolidating it in practice. It is divided into four sub-areas of four months each, which are completed in the various areas of metal, wood, electrical and gas / water / ventilation / sanitation. In addition, general education is provided in the classic vocational school subjects (also subject-related). Since this training is planned and organized by the fire brigade, a high objective and professional standard is included.

The first course started in October 2007

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