Colobus eel

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The division of living beings into systematics is a continuous subject of research. Different systematic classifications exist side by side and one after the other. The taxon treated here has become obsolete due to new research or is not part of the group systematics presented in the German-language Wikipedia.

As Stummelschwanzaale (Cyematidae) at the German two fish species were removed from the order of the eel-like designated (Anguilliformes). However, the two species are not so closely related that they can be put together in one family and today belong to two different families.


The body of the stumpy tailed eel is relatively short, only 13 to 16 centimeters long and flattened on the sides. They have fewer traits reduced than other pelican eel species. The dorsal and anal fin are symmetrically opposite each other. A caudal fin is present, the tip is blunt. The maxillary is present. The gill openings are very small and stand far down. A lateral line organ is missing. The eyes are small to rudimentary.


The family comprises only two ( monotypical ) genera , each with one species . Both species live bathypelagically in the deep sea .

Scientific name image distribution Others
Cyema atrum
Günther , 1878
Cyema atrum (by Zugmayer) 2.jpg Worldwide at depths of 330 - 5100 m. Black body, an average of 13 cm long, the upper and lower jaws are arched apart and cannot be closed.
Neocyema erythrosoma
Castle , 1978
Neocyema erythrosoma.svg Southeast and North Atlantic. Arrow-shaped, bright red body, 16 cm long. Possibly neotic .


Individual evidence

  1. Poulsen JY, Miller MJ, Sado T, Hanel R, Tsukamoto K, Miya M (2018): Resolving deep-sea pelagic saccopharyngiform eel mysteries: Identification of Neocyema and Monognathidae leptocephali and establishment of a new fish family "Neocyematidae" based on larvae , adults and mitogenomic gene orders. PLoS ONE 13 (7): e0199982. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0199982

Web links

Commons : Stummelschwanzale (Cymatidae)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files