Sudairi clan

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The Sudairi clan ( Arabic السديري, DMG as-Sudairī ) is an influential family in Saudi Arabia that has fought alongside the Saudis for over a hundred years to maintain their power and power.


Ibn Saud's mother was Sara as-Sudairi; he himself was married to three Sudairi women. One of these women was Hasa bint Ahmed as-Sudairi , the mother of the Sudairi Seven . Hasa's father, Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Sudairi, was an old comrade in the fight with Ibn Saud and played a key role in regaining power in the Najd . In order to secure power, sons of the Sudairis later occupied the governor's posts of numerous provincial and border towns as loyal companions of the Saudis. To this day, numerous sons and grandsons of Ibn Saud who have Sudairi blood in their veins, usually also marry at least one woman from the Sudairi clan. In the ranking of the aristocracy of Saudi Arabia, this family is directly behind the family of the Saud and the family of the religious reformer Ibn Wahhab in third place.

When Fahd became king in Saudi Arabia in 1982, he reinforced the influence of the Sudairi family, as his mother was Hasa bint Sudairi (also known as "Umm Fahd"), the sixth wife of King Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud. His brothers include former Defense Minister Sultan ibn Abd al-Aziz , former Interior Minister Naif ibn Abd al-Aziz, and Salman ibn Abd al-Aziz , the former governor of Riyadh . Fahd named Bandar the Saudi Ambassador to the United States and Chalid the de facto armed forces commander during the Gulf War . Both are sons of his brother Sultan. In addition to Fahd and his six full brothers, seven of his half-brothers come from the Sudairi family, as his father was married to several women of the clan.


The members of the Sudairi clan represent one of the richest political organizations in the world. In particular, the Sudairi Seven are among the fifty-three sons of King Ibn Saud, who is considered the founder of Saudi Arabia, among the most influential men of the clan. His son, King Fahd, ruled the country from 1982 until his death in 2005. Since the 1960s, the clan has been a sponsor of numerous pro-Western regimes in the Middle East . The country of Saudi Arabia was created by the British as a legal entity during World War I to weaken the Ottoman Empire . Lawrence of Arabia created a concept of the "Arab nation", but failed to turn it into a state of its own. Saudi Arabia can therefore be viewed as the private property of the Saudis. The area came under the administration of the United States (USA) after the end of World War II . Its then President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a contract with King Ibn Saud on the USS Quincy (CA-71) , the so-called Quincy Agreement or Quincy Alliance. This treaty guaranteed, on the one hand, that the United States would be supplied with oil by the Saudis, and on the other hand, it guaranteed the Saudis military support and thus the royal family's retention of power.


  • Daryl Champion: The Paradoxical Kingdom. Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, London 2003, ISBN 1-85065-668-1 , pp. 72f. ( limited version on Google Books )
  • Uwe Pfillmann: Succession to the throne in Saudi Arabia. Wahhabi family policy from 1744 to 1953. (= workbooks - Zentrum Moderner Orient, No. 13.) Das Arabische Buch, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-860-93142-3 .
  • Guido Steinberg: Succession to the throne in Saudi Arabia. ( online, PDF )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Al Sudairi Clan on, accessed May 9, 2014.
  2. Counterrevolution in the Middle East on, accessed May 9, 2014.