Sue Goffe

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Sue Goffe , b. Susan L. Paxton , (* 1964 in Chorley , Lancashire ) is a British film producer .


Sue Goffe was born in North West England and grew up in London but went to school in Ripon, North Yorkshire . She studied at Brighton College and started as a girl for everything at Studio aka in London. She worked in advertising and first worked as a producer on Marc Crate's short animation film Jo Jo in the Stars in 2003 . Together with Craste she received a BAFTA for best short animation film; In 2009 this was followed by a BAFTA nomination in the same category for pests and a BAFTA Children's Award for the animated film Penguin Found . Her greatest success was the production of Grant Orchard's short animated film A Morning Stroll , for which she was nominated together with Orchard for an Oscar in the category Best Animated Short Film and again received a BAFTA for Best Short Animated Film . Goffe is the managing director of Studio aka.

Filmography (selection)


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