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Classification according to ICD-10
D74.8 Other methaemoglobinemia
Acquired methaemoglobinemia (with sulfhemoglobinemia)
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Sulfhemoglobinemia ( Latin : sulfur " sulfur ", hemoglobin (red blood pigment)) is a greenish-black discoloration of the blood caused by sulfur due to the appearance of sulfhemoglobin .

The blood's ability to bind oxygen is impaired, which can lead to symptoms of anemia . Possible causes are hydrogen sulfide poisoning, and high doses of drugs such as sumatriptan can trigger sulfa hemoglobinemia .


  • D. Levine, AT Brunton, A. Kruger, M. Hersant: Recurrent sulphaemoglobinaemia treated with neomycin. In: JR Soc Med. 2000 Aug; 93 (8), p. 428. PMID 10983506