Sultanate of Salyan

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The Sultanate of Salyan was a state in present-day Azerbaijan that existed from 1729 to 1789 . It was on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea of Azerbaijan, north of the Arax River . The capital was Salyan .

After the disintegration of the Safavid power in Persia and the Russian invasion of Azerbaijan in 1723, the khanate was founded in 1729. In 1735, after the conquest by Nadir Shah, it became part of Persia for a short time, after his death in 1747 it was re-established as a Persian vassal in 1748.

In 1789 the Salyan Khanate became part of the more powerful Quba Khanate .

Ruler list

  • 1729 - 17 ?? Hasan Beg
  • 1748--1757 Ibrahim
  • 1757 - 1768 calf `Ali Sultan
  • 1768 - 1782 Qubad Sultan




See also