Suzuki Chikuma

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Suzuki Chikuma ( Japanese 鈴木 千 久 馬 ; born July 23, 1894 in Fukui ( Fukui Prefecture ); died September 7, 1980 ) was a Japanese painter of the Yōga direction during the Taishō and Shōwa periods .

life and work

Suzuki Chikuma was the third son of Suzuki Koyata. In 1921 he graduated from the Department of Western Painting of the "Tōkyō bijutsu gakkō" (東京 美術 学校), the forerunner of today's Geidai . In the same year he was able to show a picture with the title "領空 陰 に て" (Ryokuin nite: In a dark corner) at the third Teiten exhibition. In 1925 he was awarded on the 6th page for his picture "寝 椅子 の 裸 婦" (Neisu no rafu: Nude on a couch). Then received awards for three consecutive years with images such as "椅子 に よ る 裸 婦" (Isu ni yoru rafu: nude on a chair; 1926) and "四人 の 少女" (Yonin no shōjo: four girls).

From 1928 to 1929, Suzuki toured Europe. After his return he showed works at a privately organized exhibition, but continued to exhibit at Teiten and the successor organization Bunten. From 1030 he often acted as a juror at the exhibitions. When in 1935 the Teiten was divided into two departments, he exhibited in the 2nd department. 1940 founded Suzuki, together with his friends Ōkubo Sakujirō (大 久保 作 次郎; 1890-1973) and Nakano Kazutaka (中 野 和 高; 1896-1965), the artist community Sōgen-kai (創 元 会).

After the Pacific War , he continued to exhibit mainly at the Sōgen-kai, but also showed pictures at the Nitten. In 1956 he received the award of the Japanese Academy of the Arts for his work entitled "„ っ せ ん "(Tessen: Clematis) and other works at the 1st Nitten exhibition. In 1958 he became a member of the board of trustees of the reorganized Nitten Foundation. - In 1969, on the occasion of 50 years of creative activity, a memorial exhibition was opened in the Mitsukoshi department store. In 1978 he became a member of the Academy of Arts.

Suzuki initially painted in the style of Fauvism , but then developed his personal style of lines and light coloring. Examples are “雪柳” (Yukiyanagi: Spiraea) and “志 那 服 の 娘” (Shinafuku no musume: girl in Chinese garb).


  1. a b c Teiten ( 帝 展 ) is the abbreviation for the annual state art exhibition ( 帝国 美術展 覧 会 , Teikoku bijutsu-in tenrankai ) between 1919 and 1935. The predecessor from 1907 to 1918 was called Bunten (文 展) for Mombushō bijutsu tenrankai ( 文部省 美術展 覧 会 ), the successor from 1936 to 1944, a shin (新) for “new” was placed in front of it. - The successor from 1946, no longer state-owned, was called Nitten for ( 日本 美術展 覧 会 , Nihon bijutsu-in tenrankai ).


  • Tazawa, Yutaka: Suzuki Chikuma . In: Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Art. Kodansha International, 1981. ISBN 0-87011-488-3 .
  • Laurance P. Roberts: Suzuki Chikuma . In: A Dictionary of Japanese Artists. Weatherhill, 1976. ISBN 0-8348-0113-2 .

Web links (images)

At the National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo :