Swan Theater (Stratford)
The Swan Theater is a Royal Shakespeare Company theater in Stratford-upon-Avon , England . It is part of the complex of the larger Royal Shakespeare Theater .
The "Swan" was built as a modern theater based on the Shakespeare stage. It is equipped with an open stage and all around vertically arranged viewer galleries, as was usual in Elizabethan theater, but in contrast to buildings such as the Globe Theater , which was reconstructed in London , is located under a closed roof and has comfortable seating and modern lighting and sound technology.
The "Swan" was opened in 1986 and was originally intended as a location for performances of Elizabethan dramas, but has now also been used for dramatic productions by e.g. B. Chekhov , Ibsen and Tennessee Williams are used.
Coordinates: 52 ° 11 '25.66 " N , 1 ° 42' 15.95" W.