Svetla Wassilewa

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Svetla Wassilewa

Svetla Wassilewa (also Svetla Vassileva , Bulgarian Светла Василева , born April 1, 1964 in Pleven ) is a Bulgarian journalist and blogger .


She is a graduate of St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia and the Pedagogical University “AI Hearts” in Saint Petersburg . She briefly worked in the Research Institute of Education in the Ministry of Education in Sofia . She did her doctorate on the subject of “Connecting preschoolers to universal moral values” and is co-author of a concept for the development of state pre-school education in Bulgaria, a concept for the socialization of disadvantaged Roma children (supported by UNICEF ), the “White Paper for Prawez ”(2010), and the book“ Prawez. The Chronicles of the Private City ”(2011).

She is the author of more than a hundred articles on current issues in society during the years of Bulgaria's transition to democracy and a market economy in Bulgarian and foreign internet and print media (including EU publications ) and on her personal blog.

The German publicist Jürgen Roth processed information from her essay on the “private cities” of Bulgaria (2008) in his book The New Bulgarian Demons (2008).

In the television program “Hallo Bulgaria” in 2008 she called Prawez “the first private town” that was practically the property of the head of the mineral oil company Lukoil Bulgaria , Valentin Slatew. After that, the journalist Georgi Koritarov was fired.


  • Концепция за социализация на деца от ромски произход в неравностойно социално положение. (Concept for the socialization of disadvantaged Roma children) Sofia 1994, ISBN 954-8525-02-X .
  • Хрониките на частния град. (Prawez. Chronicle of the private city) Sofia 2011, ISBN 978-954-92718-1-2 . (with P. Tsvetkov, S. Vassileva, P. Nikolova)

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Individual evidence
