Sydney LaFaire

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Sydney LaFaire (born June 3, 1987 ) is an American model and actress living in Germany .

life and career

Sydney LaFaire is from St. Augustine , Florida . She studied art and art history in Spain, America and the Netherlands. Back in Germany, Sydney LaFaire began modeling professionally.

With her small body size of 159 cm, LaFaire is not a catwalk model, but is used in print media , art projects and commercials . It has a high recognition value because of its lush red hair and, depending on the season, more or less pronounced freckles .

The Düsseldorf model agency Little Brother and Little Sister won the Gruner + Jahr award 2008 with cover-ready shots by Sydney LaFaire . LaFaire emphasizes that as a self-confessed vegetarian, she does not advertise fast food . Stern magazine named her face of the year in an April 2014 issue .

Sydney LaFaire lives in Berlin .

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