Sylva Hamplová

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Sylva Hamplová , née Pavlíková (born May 14, 1935 in Prague ) is a Czech Romance studies , Hispanic and university teacher.

life and work

She attended the Gymnázium Nad Kavalírkou , Praha 5, where she obtained her Matura . Hamplová studied Spanish and Italian at the Charles University in Prague between 1953 and 1956 . In 1961, she became a member of the Department of Language and Literature ( Ústavu jazyka a literatur ), after which she worked at the Institute of Romance Studies at Charles University ( Ústavu románských studií Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy ). A one-semester study visit to the Universidad de Chile between 1962 and 1963 came about at the invitation of the Chilean linguist Ambrosio Rabanales Ortiz (1917-2010). With a thesis on the Spanish verbal phrases , she received her doctorate in 1969 and qualified as a professor in 1970. Together with the Hispanic Josef Dubský (1917–1996) she published in 1966 Španělština pro vědecké a odborné pracovníky . At the end of the 1970s she turned her attention to Italian linguistics . She was a lecturer in the Italian language.

Other works

  • Construcciones perifrásticas verbales en el español americano. Phraha 1969
  • L'aspetto del processo Verbal in italiano.
  • Stručná mluvnice italštiny , Academia, Praha 1974
  • Acerca de la manera de acción y the problema de su expresión mediante las perífrasis verbales en español. Philologica Pragensia, 11, 1968, pp. 209-231.
  • Algunos problemas de la voz perifrástica pasiva y las perífrasis factitivas en español. Praga 1970.
  • Stručná mluvnice španělštiny. Academia, Prague 1994.
  • Mluvnice italštiny. Leda, Prague 2004.
  • Nástin vývoje italského jazyka. Karolinum, Prague 2002.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Masaryk University Information System
  2. Jiří Špaček: Il settanesimo anniversario della professoressa Sylva Hamplová. Linguistica Pragensia, 66, 2, pp. 101-105
  3. Pavlína Dušková: Hispanistická Témata v časopise per moderní filologii. Diploma thesis, JIHOČESKÁ UNIVERZITA V ČESKÝCH BUDĚJOVICÍCH 2015, p. 123