Synagogue (Vishneva)

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Synagogue in Vishneva

The synagogue in Vishneva , a place in the Waloshyn district of Minskaya Woblasz in Belarus , was a building made of wood.

The synagogue was set on fire by the German occupiers in the course of the Holocaust in 1941 . Israeli President Shimon Peres recalled this in his speech to the German Bundestag on January 27, 2010 on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of National Socialism :

“When the Nazis marched into Wiszniewo, they ordered all Jews to assemble in the synagogue. My grandfather went in first, wrapped in the same prayer shawl that I wrapped myself in as a child. His family followed him. The doors were bolted from outside and the wooden building was set on fire. All that remained of the entire community was glowing ashes and smoke. "

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Speech by the President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres in the German Bundestag on January 27, 2010 on the website of the German Bundestag.

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