Syncline of Thalheim

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The syncline of Thalheim is a geological trough structure ( syncline ) in the main roe stone of the Swiss Jura , which is cut by the Aare in the transition from the folded Jura to the tabular Jura . It is the middle of three fold and thrust structures in the area of ​​the Aare breakthrough. At the Gislifluh in the south of the Thalheim syncline, the syncline is cut off by a thrust . The rock slab of the Gislifluh, also made of main roe stone, dips below the Mittelland Molasse with a 20 ° gradient .

The Thalheim syncline is a station on the Schinznach-Bad Geoweg , a geological educational trail in Aargau .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Walter Hess: From Wildegg Castle to Habsburg.
  2. The Synklinale of Thalheim, hiking report with a link to the explanatory panel of the Aargauer Geo-Weg Synklinale of Thalheim