Synod of Antioch (Parish Synod, 341)

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The Synod of Antioch 341 was in the summer of that year at the inauguration of an even by Constantine I commissioned Basilica in Antioch held. There the resolution of the Synod on the rehabilitation of Athanasius held in Rome the previous year was rejected and a new creed, the so-called first Antiochene formula , was decided. Since the emperor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire , Constantius II , was also present, it was formally a synod of the empire .

Synod files have not been preserved, only reports in the church histories of Socrates Scholastikos and Sozomenos .


  • Hanns Christof Brennecke u. a. (Ed.): Athanasius works: documents on the history of the Arian conflict. Until the Ekthesis Makrostichos , Volume 3, Part 3. de Gruyter, Berlin 2007, pp. 138–141.

Individual evidence

  1. Pedro Barceló : Constantius II and his time. The beginnings of the state church. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-608-94046-4 , pp. 80-81.