Synod of Quierzy

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The Synod of Quierzy is the name given to church assemblies that took place in the 8th and 9th centuries in connection with the Quierzy royal palace . The important sacred acts (e.g. episcopal ordinations) were held in neighboring Brétigny , as the Palatinate Quierzy did not have suitable consecrated rooms.

Seven Synods of Quierzy are known:

  1. In the spring of 754, Pope Stephan II visited the Frankish King Pippin the Younger to ask him for help against the Lombards . Part of the meeting took place in Quierzy, with the Pope staying in the Brétigny monastery, where he also held a synod. In connection with this synod, the king adopted the Roman liturgy for the Church of the Frankish Empire instead of the previous Gallican one .
  2. In September 838 a synod took place in Quierzy, at which some of the texts of Amalarius , who at that time was Archbishop of Lyons for the deposed Agobard , are condemned as heresy. In addition, the monks from the Saint-Calais Abbey in the Diocese of Le Mans , who falsely claim to have been expelled by the bishop, are sent back to their monastery.
  3. At the synod of spring 849, the judgment that had already been passed against Gottschalk von Orbais and his interpretation of the Augustinian doctrine of predestination was confirmed. He was stripped of his priesthood and taken to Hautvillers Abbey for life imprisonment .
  4. In the spring of 853 another synod dealt with Gottschalk von Orbais and his teaching. The decrees of Archbishop Hinkmar von Reims on the doctrine of predestination are published here.
  5. The synod of February 14, 857 had the aim of eliminating the prevailing disorder in western France, above all to put an end to the encroachments of the nobility on church property.
  6. The synod of November 25, 858 was a meeting of the West Franconian bishops who were loyal to Charles the Bald during the invasion of Ludwig the German , and confirmed this with a letter of protest to the East Franconian king.


  • 838: Concilium Carisiacense a. 838 m. Septembri. In: Albert Werminghoff (ed.): Concilia aevi Carolini, Volume 1 Part 2: (1908): No. 57, p. 768ff
  • 849: Wilfried Hartmann : The councils of the Carolingian sub-kingdoms 843-859 (1984), No. 18 (spring 849), p. 194ff
  • 853: Wilfried Hartmann: The councils of the Carolingian sub-kingdoms 843-859 (1984), No. 28 (spring 853), p. 294ff
  • 857: Wilfried Hartmann: The councils of the Carolingian sub-kingdoms 843-859 (1984), No. 38 (14.2.857), p. 383ff
  • 858: Epistola synodi Carisiacensis ad Hludowicum regem Germaniae directa. Nov. 858. In: Alfred Boretius , Viktor Krause (eds.): Capitularia regum Francorum 2 (1897), no. 297, p. 427
  • 858: Wilfried Hartmann: The councils of the Carolingian sub-empires 843-859 (1984), Leges 4, Concilia T 3, No. 403 (November 858), p. 403ff