Systematic element names

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The systematic element names are provisional names for chemical elements . These will only be given a permanent name once their discovery has been confirmed. Because there has been controversy about the confirmation in the past (see element naming controversy ), IUPAC has published a scheme for provisional element names.

The IUPAC rules

This temporary names are derived systematically from the atomic number from (atomic number). Each digit is translated into a root word (see table). The root words are lined up in the order of the digits. If the syllables 'enn' and 'nil' follow one another, nnn is simplified to nn . At the end, the syllable '-ium' is added (or '-um' if the last root word ends in i).

Digit root symbol
0 Nile n
1 U.N u
2 bi b
3 tri t
4th quad q
5 pent p
6th hex H
7th sept s
8th oct O
9 enn e

The root words are derived from the Latin and Greek numerals and have been chosen so that each begins with a different letter.

The provisional symbols consist of the first letters of the root words.

All elements up to and including 118 have final names. Provisional names apply to elements that have not yet been discovered.


Naming of hypothetical or not yet finally named elements:

Element 119:  
Element 123:
Element 208:
Element 457:
Element 986:
  un + un + enn + ium =
  un + bi + tri + um =
  bi + nil + oct + ium =
  quad + pent + sept + ium =
  enn + oct + hex + ium =
  Ununennium (Uue)
  Unbitrium (Ubt)
  Biniloctium (Bno)
  Quadpentseptium (Qps)
  Ennocthexium (Eoh)

Eka and Dwi-

For names of as yet undiscovered elements, the elements in the periodic table one or two places above were preceded by the syllables Eka or Dwi . Thus, technetium as eka-manganese and rhenium called Dwi manganese. The disadvantage of the Eka-Dwi system is that elements that are in the first row of the g-block cannot be designated because there is no element “above” (ordinal numbers 123 to 140).

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  1. 'enn' for 9 comes from ancient Greek ἐννέα (ennea), 'nine'. See also Greek numerals .