Tímea Szabó

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Tímea Szabó (2018)

Tímea Szabó (born January 18, 1976 in Budapest ) is a Hungarian politician and journalist and has been a member of the Hungarian Parliament since 2010 . After working for the UN and several NGOs, she joined the newly founded LMP in 2009 . In January 2013 she resigned from this and together with other former members founded the Párbeszéd (“Dialog”) party, of which she has been co-chair since then.


Education, research and NGO activity

Szabó studied communication sciences at the University of Szeged and then at Harvard Law School in the USA. She initially worked for five years as a journalist for American and British newspapers and news agencies, for which she covered Hungarian political and economic topics. She then conducted research on the prevention of armed conflict and the protection of vulnerable groups at Harvard Law School in a project commissioned by the United Nations .

In 2001, Tímea Szabó worked for the International Rescue Committee in Pakistan for three months , where she dealt with the issue of Afghan refugees. After the outbreak of war in Afghanistan in the same year, she worked for the UN mission there for two years, among other things in the context of building a new government. She also joined the non-governmental organization CARE International , for which she led a study on the human rights situation in Afghanistan.

She returned to Hungary in 2003 and worked there for six years from 2004 for the Hungarian Helsinki Committee .

Political career

Tímea Szabó (front right) with the LMP parliamentary group in the Hungarian Parliament (2010)

In 2008, Szabó was involved in founding the political platform Lehet Más a Politika (LMP, “Politics can be different”), which officially formed as a party the following year. In the European elections in 2009 , she ran as the top candidate on the joint list of the LMP and the Humanist Party , which, however, failed to make it into the European Parliament. In the following year, the LMP made it into the Hungarian parliament with 7.4%, which it entered via the national list. She then took over the chairmanship of the group together with Benedek Jávor and Gergely Karácsony .

Before the 2014 parliamentary elections , a group led by Jávor, Szabó and Karácsony split off from the LMP after the LMP had rejected all proposals to cooperate with other opposition parties at its party congress. They founded the Párbeszéd Magyarországért (PM, “Dialogue for Hungary”) party, which joined the center-left alliance Összefogás in 2014 for the election . Szabó was elected the party's first female co-chair (together with Benedek Jávor). In the parliamentary election the following year , she moved into parliament again via the state list and was a non-attached member of parliament until 2018. Then in 2018 she won the direct mandate in the 10th Budapest constituency, which includes the western part of Óbuda-Békásmegyer .

Web links

Commons : Tímea Szabó  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Official biography on the website of the Hungarian Parliament (accessed November 17, 2018)
  2. ^ A b Péter Birkás: Babát vár Szabó Tímea, a Párbeszéd politikusa. In: 24.hu , February 24, 2018 (accessed on November 17, 2018)
  3. Schiffer vezeti az LMP képviselőcsoportját. In: Index.hu , May 10, 2010 (accessed November 17, 2018)
  4. ↑ There's no other way of politics? Broken in itself: division of the Greens in Hungary. In: Pester Lloyd. 05/2013, January 27, 2013 (accessed November 17, 2018)