TG Friesen Klafeld-Geisweid

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The TG Friesen Klafeld-Geisweid 1899 eV (Turngemeinde Friesen Klafeld-Geisweid 1899 eV) is a popular sports club from the Geisweid district of Siegen .

TG Friesen Klafeld-Geisweid emerged from TV Clafeld, which was re-established in 1889 and which had already been founded a few years earlier, and TV Geisweid. In 1937, the current association emerged from this. The popular sports club , named after Friedrich Friesen , has around 1100 members and has a wide range of departments for a wide variety of sports. Specifically, these are the bowling , artistic gymnastics , volleyball , athletics , dance , step aerobics , gymnastics wheel , table tennis , bounce ball as well as children's gymnastics and various sports activities for the older generation departments.

In addition to the Friesenhalle on the Geisweider Schießberg with the outdoor area there, the club uses the gyms of the Realschule am Schießberg, the forest school, the primary school in Birlenbach, the Albert Schweitzer school, the Geisweider primary school, the gymnastics hall of Fürst-Johann-Moritz as sports facilities -Gymnasium, the triple gym of the Geschwister-Scholl-Schule and the Hofbachstadion . The club celebrated successes especially in the bounce ball. For a long time they belonged to the leading clubs in Germany and in 1984 they won the German championship title. The TG Friesen participated in the 1st German Gymnastics Club Team Championships (DTVM). The club’s gymnastics team was three times in a row Westphalian team champions at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. At that time, for example, the gymnast Friedhelm Irle († August 13, 1994), a member of the national team of the DTB , was part of the team. The athletes in the gymnastics department of the club were also able to achieve nationwide success and place on the podium at German championships. The youth department of sports bowlers takes part in competitions up to world championships.

In 2018, the club began to renovate the club's own Friesenhalle. In addition, social rooms with barrier-free access to the Friesenhalle will be added.

The chairman of the association in 2019 is Klaus Peter Mühlnikel. The association magazine "Friesenspiegel" is published twice a year in a print run of currently (March 2019) 2000 copies.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 125 years of Friesen - anniversary slogan: Moving together on from November 14, 2013, accessed on January 27, 2014.
  2. Entry on ( Memento of the original from February 17, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. "Mourning for Herbert Kuttig" ( Memento of the original from November 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ German bouncing ball championship for seniors - statistics of all previous German champions in the senior sector
  5. ^ "Manfred Reitz celebrates his 80th birthday" on from January 8, 2010
  6. ^ "An honoring commemoration for the dead", Siegerländer Heimatkalender 1995, p. 41, 70th edition (Ed.): Siegerländer Heimat- und Geschichtsverein eV , Verlag für Heimatliteratur
  7. Statistics wheel gymnastics - German championships (all-around)
  8. ^ Statistics wheel gymnastics - German championships
  9. "Sarah-Christin with gym wheel for World Cup qualification" on from November 25, 2008
  10. ^ "Sarah-Christin Helmke in the World Cup team" on from November 25, 2008