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The program Thermie the European Union (demonstration in the non-nuclear energy) was a multi-annual program and was launched in 1990, replacing previous programs (ENALT, LIGASF, endemo and HYDROCARB) new in the area and alternative energy resources.

The THERMIE program is part of the funding measures of the European Union (see also the JOULE , SAVE and ALTENER programs ) in the non-nuclear energy sector. In addition to the JOULE program, the THERMIE program focuses on technology dissemination through demonstration projects. As a specific implementation program, the THERMIE program is part of a fundamental, multi-year EC / EU research framework program .

Actions of the program

The THERMIE program for the promotion of European energy technologies also includes funding in third countries, e.g. B. through systematic cooperation for the dissemination of new technologies, especially for the use of renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency.

The first call (1990) for the THERMIE program approved funding of 45 million ECU . This affected 85 projects, mainly in the area of ​​"Rational Use of Energy" and "Renewable Energy Sources" as well as in the area of ​​technology for hydrocarbons and coal. The projects are a selection from a total of 227 proposals.

" To date, a total of nine energy centers have been set up in Eastern Europe as part of the THERMIE program. They serve as a point of contact for information and advice on all aspects of energy technology in the European Community Energy technology and market assessments, seminars and publications. This is intended to assess the market potential for EC equipment and pave the way for industry-led energy technology transfer and cooperation . "


Sources and References

  1. VO 2008/90 / EEC of June 29, 1990, ABl. L 185 of July 17, 1990, p. 1. The EU's research activities in the energy sector have been carried out since 1985 in research and technology development framework programs (RTD-RP) lasting several years.
  2. The sub-programs SAVE and ALTENER date from 1993 and were initially financed from other programs. In addition to the STEER and Coopener programs, SAVE and ALTENER were part of the Intelligent Energy Europe program (2003–2006).
  3. ^ Quote from IP / 90/1007 of December 11, 1990
  4. Quoting from Antonio CARDOSO E CUNHA, Member of the Commission responsible for Energy, IP / 92/468 of June 9, 1992

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