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tomb of Tetiky

place Dra Abu el-Naga
Discovery date
excavation 1908
The following
Tetiky and his wife, on the north wall of his grave

TT15 ( Theban Tomb , Theban Tomb 15) is the modern name for the burial chapel of the mayor of Thebes Tetiky , who lived at the beginning of the 18th dynasty. The chapel was once painted. The discovery was one of the few surviving examples of a painted burial chapel from the early 18th dynasty.

The grave was found by Lord Carnarvon in the spring of 1908 . A short time later, Howard Carter was added, who published the wall paintings and the tomb complex. The grave complex consisted of a courtyard with the grave shaft in the middle. The courtyard was surrounded by a wall. There was a painted niche in the south. To the north was the entrance to a corridor that led to the painted burial chapel. It was a free-standing building made of adobe bricks. On the west side of the court in the enclosure, diverse small niches in which raw machined found shabtis found with names of family members of Tetiky. Obviously, the shabtis were deposited here wishing to be at least symbolically close to Tetiky.

The actual burial chapel was once completely painted. Howard Carter published photos of the preserved decoration. Norman de Garis Davies drew the chapel's paintings in 1924 and published them the following year.

The ceiling of the chapel was vaulted. The east and west walls were the short sides of the rectangular chamber. On the east wall was the depiction of Queen Ahmose Nefertari as she sacrifices to Hathor , depicted as a cow . On the opposite west wall you could see Tetiky with the victim and below his parents, sitting in front of a sacrificial table. The north wall showed scenes from funeral rituals, Tetiky and his wife standing on the left and numerous family members in front of them. On the right were scenes from agriculture.

During the 20th century, the tomb fell victim to art thieves who cut the paintings from the wall and sold them. The Louvre bought some fragments but returned them to Egypt at the urging of the Egyptian government .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Herbert Carnarvon, Howard Carter: Five years' explorations at Thebes: a record of work done 1907-1911. ... Henry Frowde Oxford University Press, London 1912, pp. 2–4, 12–13, plates I – VIII.
  2. ^ N. de Garis: The Tomb of Tetaky at Thebes (No. 15). In: Journal of Egyptian Archeology. Volume 11, 1925, pp. 10-18.
  3. ^ France's Louvre museum returns five frescoes to Egypt. On: (BBC) of December 14, 2009.

Web links

Commons : Tomb of Tetiky TT15  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files