Rabigh dam

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Rabigh dam
Tributaries: Wadi Marr
Drain: Wadi Marr
Rabigh Dam (Saudi Arabia)
Rabigh dam
Coordinates 22 ° 49 '17 "  N , 39 ° 22' 34"  E Coordinates: 22 ° 49 '17 "  N , 39 ° 22' 34"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 2003 to?
Height above valley floor: 59.5 m
Height above foundation level : 180.5 m
Height of the structure crown: 184.5 m
Building volume: 585,000 m³
Crown length: 381 m
Crown width: 5 m
Base width: 60 m
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 13.58 km²dep1
Total storage space : 220.35 million m³
Catchment area 3,456 km²
Design flood : 9,543 m³ / s

The Rabigh Dam is located in Wadi Marr, a tributary of the Wadi Rabigh in the province of Mecca , Saudi Arabia . The town of Rabigh is approximately 35 km west of the dam.

The contract for the construction of the dam was signed in 2003 (1424 according to the Islamic calendar ). In addition to flood protection, the dam also serves to fill up a groundwater reservoir. It is owned by the Ministry of Water and Electricity (MOWE) and is also operated by MOWE.

Barrier structure

The barrier structure is a concrete gravity dam with a height of 80.5 m above the foundation level (59.5 m above the river bed). The length of the building crown is 381 m. The dam is 60 m wide at the base and 5 m at the top. The volume of the dam is 585,000 (or 555,000) m³. The top of the wall is at a height of 184.5 m above sea level . A road runs over the top of the wall.

There are six inspection corridors in the dam that monitor the dam. The dam wall has both a bottom outlet and a flood relief with twelve openings at the top of the wall. A maximum of 7,856 m³ / s can be discharged via the flood relief. The design flood was determined to be 9,543 m³ / s.

Before the construction of the barrier structure, three different alternatives were examined: a gravity dam , a rubble dam with an asphalt core and a CFR dam . With an estimated cost of SAR 171.6 million , the gravity dam proved to be the cheapest alternative.


When the reservoir is fully blocked, it extends over an area of ​​around 13.58 km² and holds around 220.35 million m³ of water. The catchment area of the wadi up to the dam is 3,456 km². The annual inflow into the reservoir is estimated at 83.3 million m³.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Dams in KSA. (PDF 1.4 MB pp. 6, 13–15) (No longer available online.) Faculty.ksu.edu.sa, archived from the original on March 4, 2016 ; accessed on April 3, 2016 .
  2. a b c d e f PROTECTION OF RABIGH CITY AGAIST FLASH FLOODS KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA. (PDF 462 MB pp. 2–3, 5–9) (No longer available online.) Faculty.ksu.edu.sa, archived from the original on April 4, 2016 ; accessed on April 3, 2016 .