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Type: Earth observation satellite
Country: SingaporeSingapore Singapore
COSPAR-ID : 2015-077A
Mission dates
Dimensions: 400 kg
Size: 1.9 m × 2.0 m × 1.6 m
Begin: December 16, 2015, 12:30 UTC
Starting place: Satish Dhawan Launch Center
Launcher: PSLV
Orbit data
Rotation time : 96 min
Track height: 550 km
Orbit inclination : 15 °

TeLEOS-1 is the first Earth observation satellite from Singapore .

He was born on December 16, 2015 at 12:30 UTC with a PSLV - carrier rocket from the rocket launch site Satish Dhawan Space Center along with Kentridge 1 , VELOX CI , VELOX 2 , Athenoxat 1 and Galassia brought into a nearly circular low Earth orbit. It was the first of the satellites to be exposed 47 seconds after the fourth stage burned out.

The three-axis stabilized satellite, built in a hexagonal structure, is equipped with a central camera that is supposed to deliver images with a resolution of one meter, a dynamic range of 10 bits per pixel and a swath width of 12 km and a length of 200 km. Images can be taken at an angle of up to 45 ° deviating from the nadir and an image of the same area every 12 to 16 hours. The data is transmitted to earth in the X-band at up to 150 Mbps, the communication for telemetry takes place in the S-band . A 64 Gbits solid state recorder serves as the buffer for the data. The position control takes place with the help of star and sun sensors. Its four solar generators have an output of 680 watts. The pictures are intended to serve internal security (against piracy and illegal fishing) and disaster management. He was supported by the Singapore Technologies based on the SS-400 - satellite bus built by Agil Space powered and has a design life of five years.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. TeLEOS-1 ST Electronics - FactSheet (PDF); Retrieved December 26, 2015
  2. a b TeLEOS-1 - Satellite Missions. eoPortal Directory; Retrieved December 26, 2015
  3. Seah Peng Hwee, VP Space Systems Business Group: TeLEOS-1 for Environmental Monitoring (PDF) September 30, 2015, Singapore Space Symposium 2015, accessed December 26, 2015
  4. TeLEOS-1 Brochure (PDF); Retrieved December 26, 2015
  5. TeLEOS-1 | PSLV C29.; Retrieved December 26, 2015