description | Trade journal |
Area of Expertise | Geophysics , surface processes |
language | English |
First edition | 1964 |
Frequency of publication | 28 issues a year |
editor | Elsevier |
Web link | www.journals.elsevier.com/tectonophysics/ |
ISSN (print) | 0040-1951 |
Tectonophysics is an English-language journal with peer review in the field of geophysics . Its subtitle is The International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth . It appears 28 issues a year.
Tectonophysics was founded in 1964 and is published by Elsevier . The editors-in-chief are Jean-Philippe Avouac ( Caltech ), Evgueni Burov ( Pierre and Marie Curie University ), Ramon Carbonell Bertran ( ICTJA Barcelona), Rob Govers ( Utrecht University ) and Kelin Wang ( Pacific Geoscience Center ).
Goal setting
As the title of the journal suggests, its focus is on tectonic physics - kinematics , structure, composition and dynamics of the solid earth taking into account all orders of magnitude.
Impact Factor
According to the Journal Citation Reports , Tectonophysics had an Impact Factor of 2.433 in 2011 .
The three most cited articles in Tectonophysics since September 2011 are:
- Celâl Şengör and Yilmaz Yücel: Tethyan evolution of Turkey: A plate tectonic approach . In: Tectonophysics . tape 75 (3-4) , 1981, pp. 181-190, 193-199, 203-241 , doi : 10.1016 / 0040-1951 (81) 90275-4 . ( Plate tectonics of Turkey )
- J. Dercourt, LP Zonenshain, L.-E. Ricou, VG Kazmin, X. Le Pichon, AL Knipper, C. Grandjacquet, IM Sbortshikov, J. Geyssant, C. Lepvrier, DH Pechersky, J. Boulin, J.-C. Sibuet, LA Savostin, O. Sorokhtin, M. Westphal, ML Bazhenov, JP Lauer and B. Biju-Duval: Geological evolution of the Tethys belt from the Atlantic to the Pamirs since the LIAS . In: Tectonophysics . tape 123 (1-4) , 1986, pp. 241-315 , doi : 10.1016 / 0040-1951 (86) 90199-X . (Development of the Tethys from the Lias )
- Xavier Le Pichon and Jacques Angelier : Hellenic arc and trench system - Key to the neotectonic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean . In: Tectonophysics . tape 60 (1-2) , 1979, pp. 1-42 , doi : 10.1016 / 0040-1951 (79) 90131-8 . ( Hellenic island arc )