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Telesikles ( ancient Greek Τελεσίκλες ) is considered to be the founder of the Parian colony on Thasos . The dates of his life are unknown, but the colony was founded in the first half of the 7th century BC. To date. Telesikles is also considered the father of the early Greek poet Archilochus .

According to tradition, Telesikles brought the Parians an oracle that called them to found a colony on Thasos.

ἄγγειλον Παρίοις Τελεσίκλεες, ὥς σε κελεύω νήσῳ ἐν Ἠερίῃ κτίζειν εὐδείελον ἄστυ .
"Tell the Parians, Telesikles, how I command you that they should found a handsome city on the island of Eëria (sc. Thasos)."

The excavations carried out in 1946 on the Agora of Thasos uncovered the foundation of a round building called " Tholos ", which the excavator Roland Martin assigned to the Oikist Telesikles. The location near the oldest sanctuaries speaks in favor of an interpretation as the Heroon of Telesicles. However, a grave was not found.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ AJ Graham: The Foundation of Thasos. In: The Annual of the British School at Athens . Volume 73, 1978, pp. 61-98.
  2. Oinomaios of Gadara with Eusebius of Caesarea ( Praeparatio evangelica 6,7,8 = Parke-Wormell, No. 230 = Fontenrose , No. Q55). Cf. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Θάσος .
  3. ^ R. Martin: Chronique des Fouilles en 1946. Travaux de l'École Française. Thasos. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique . Volume 71/72, 1947/48, pp. 420-422.
  4. ^ Jean Pouilloux : Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de Thasos (= Études Thasiennes 3), Paris 1954, p. 334f.