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Tros ( ancient Greek Τρώς ) is in Greek mythology the king of Troy in Phrygia , son of Erichthonios and Astyoche . His wife is Kallirrhoe , daughter of Scamander (or Akallaris , daughter of Eumedes ). She bore him the three sons Assarakos , Ganymede and Ilos and the daughter Cleopatra .

Tros was the grandson of Dardanos , he is the ancestor of the Trojans (Trojans), from whom the people got their name and the region was called Troas .

Ganymede was kidnapped to Olympus by Zeus , as he was the most beautiful of mortals. As a replacement from Hermes, Tros was given divine horses that were so fast that they could run across water - an original legend about the sea power of the Trojans, who ruled the Dardanelles for a long time , the passage from the Aegean to the Black Sea.
