Plate money

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When Teller money the applied sacrificed money is referred to an appropriate dish. The giver voluntarily hands over a certain amount of money and deposits it on a plate.


The purpose and reason for this offering can be for several reasons.

  • The plate money is known above all on festive occasions in churches, such as baptism etc. So the Brothers Grimm write in their dictionary that plate money is “the sacrifice money (placed on the plate) for child baptisms”.
  • One can also counter the plate money in public institutions. So you can usually find plates accessible to passers-by etc., which are intended to be used as an offering for the use of the respective toilet . The use of the toilets is usually free of charge, but the plate money is intended to indirectly thank you for the services of the cleaning staff in this toilet.
  • Another purpose for the plate money can be found above all in the event and catering area. The plate money is used here to express that a lump sum per person must be paid for food that you have brought yourself. This is a fee for using the plates without the services of the event or catering company.
