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from the base of the Tennikerfluh
Shell agglomerate from the Tennikerfluh

The Tennikerfluh in the canton of Basel-Landschaft is a mussel agglomerate that was deposited under shallow marine conditions. Due to the fossil record , the formation can be placed in the Ottnangium (approx. 18.3 to 17 mya ). It is one of the few neogene relics of the Molasse Sea in the area of ​​the Table Jura .

Both the rough limestone of the Hegau and the Ermingen Turritellenplatte near Ulm- Ermingen represent analogous formations of the Molasse Sea .


  1. The name "Bohrmuschelkalk" is slightly misleading. Unlike the so-called trochitic limestone , it does not essentially consist of the remains of the organisms that give it its name. Rather, it is limestone that has been colonized by fossil drilling mussels and perforated by their living caves.


  • Johannes Baier: The Miocene mussel agglomerate from Tenniker Fluh (Canton of Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland) , Jber. Mitt. Oberrhein. geol. Ver, NF 95, 337-346, 2013 ( abstract ).