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Class : Birds (aves)
Subclass : Great Pine Birds (Palaeognathae)
Order : Cockles (tinamiformes)
Family : Cockles
Genre : Smooth Taos ( Crypturellus )
Type : Tepuitinamu
Scientific name
Crypturellus ptaritepui
Zimmer & Phelps , 1945

The Tepuitinamu ( Crypturellus ptaritepui ) is a scarcely researched species of bird from the cocoon family . It occurs in Venezuela .


The Tepuitinamu reaches a size of 28.5 to 30 centimeters. It looks similar to the Grautinamu ( Crypturellus cinereus ), but is smaller and the cheeks and throat are noticeably soot-gray. The chest is russet. The iris is creamy white.

distribution and habitat

The Tepuitinamu is common in the tepuis in the southeastern Venezuelan state of Bolivar . It lives in dense cloud forests at altitudes between 1350 and 1800 m.

Way of life

The Tepuitinamu is believed to be true to location. Information on his way of life is not available.

Existence and endangerment

For a long time, the Tepuitinamu was only known of six specimens collected at the Ptari-tepui and the Sororopán-tepui in southeastern Bolivar in Venezuela. In 1994 a new population was discovered at the Auyán-tepui on a wetter northern tepui about 50 km from the original site. Sounds of unknown Tinamus on the Chimantá-tepui have also been assigned to this species for the time being. Information on the total population is not available. BirdLife International lists the Tepuitinamu as not endangered (least concern), but fires, agricultural use in the area of ​​distribution and hunting pressure could represent a potential hazard.


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