Text bible

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The text bible (full title: text bible of the Old and New Testaments ) is a full Bible that was published several times between 1899 and 1911 by JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck), which was prepared by Protestant theology professors and published by Emil Kautzsch (Halle). The third edition came posthumously after Kautzsch died in May 1910. It appeared in three editions (Old Testament without Apocrypha ; Old and New Testament with and without Apocrypha).

The Bible edition combined the (again revised) text of the partial Bible, The Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament, first published in 1894 and edited by Kautzsch, with the translation of the New Testament by Carl Heinrich Weizsäcker after the 9th edition. While Kautzsch's partial Bible documented the editors' critical decisions through the use of different types of printing, diacritical marks and annotations under the text as well as inserts, the text Bible was limited to the Bible text itself, but guaranteed conscientious consideration of contemporary knowledge of historical-critical Method .

The text Bible gave the name of God YHWH , which occurs over 6000 times in the Old Testament, according to the scientific status with Yahweh .

The following theologians were involved:

  • Friedrich Baethgen , consistorial councilor and professor of theology in Berlin: Job, Song of Songs, Lamentations.
  • Hermann Guthe , Professor of Theology in Leipzig: Isaiah 1–35, Hosea, Amos, Micha, Habakuk.
  • Adolf Kamphausen , Professor of Theology in Bonn: The Books of Kings, the Proverbs and the 2nd Book of the Maccabees.
  • Emil Kautzsch, professor of theology in Halle: the 1st to 4th books of Moses and Joshua (except for the sections translated by Socin), Isaiah 36–39, Jonah, Nahum, the Psalms, the books of the Chronicle, the 1st book of Maccabees.
  • Rudolf Kittel , professor of theology in Leipzig: the books of the judges and Samuel, the book of Ruth.
  • Max Löhr , Professor of Theology in Breslau: the Book of Tobit and the Book of Judith.
  • Karl Marti , professor of theology in Bern: the 5th book of Moses, Joel, Obadja, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Daniel.
  • Wilhelm Rothstein , professor of theology in Halle: Jeremiah, Zefanja, the book of Baruch, letter of Jeremias, pieces in Daniel.
  • Rudolf Rüetschi , professor of theology in Bern: the preacher.
  • Karl Viktor Ryssel , professor of theology in Zurich: Isaiah 40–66, Esra, Nehemia, Esther, Manasseh's prayer, pieces in Esther, Sirach.
  • Karl Siegfried , go. Church councilor and professor of theology in Jena: Ezekiel, the wisdom of Solomon.
  • Albert Socin , Professor of Oriental Languages ​​in Leipzig: Exodus 1–24 and 32–34, Numbers 10.29–12.16 and chapters 21–24, Joshua 1–11.
  • Carl Heinrich Weizsäcker, Professor of Dogma and Church History at the University of Tübingen: The New Testament.

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