The Story of King Midas

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Original title The Story of King Midas
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1953
length 10 mins
Director Ray Harryhausen
script Charlotte Knight
production Ray Harryhausen
music Walter Soul

Del Moore (narrator)

The Story of King Midas is an animated short film directed by Ray Harryhausen in 1953.


A mysterious stranger, who appears in the treasure cell of the ostentatious King Midas, fulfills his wish that everything he touches turns into gold in order to become the richest person in the world. However, the king soon realizes that it is not a blessing, but a curse. All the food and drink he wants to eat becomes inedible precious metal, and when even his beloved daughter turns into gold under his touch, the king collapses in despair. Then the stranger returns. The king ruefully admits his mistake to him, and finally he redeems the king from his curse.


The short film is fully animated using the stop-motion technique that was significantly influenced by Harryhausen in the 1950s . He takes up a mystical legend that has to do with the Phrygian king Midas .

The Story of King Midas has appeared on various DVD collections of Harryhausen's early work and best of publications.

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