Theater anthropology

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Theater anthropology is an approach to researching the arts of acting .


It comes from the director and theater researcher Eugenio Barba and is based on the investigation of the actor for the actor. Barba writes in his book A Canoe Made of Paper that the actor observes different guidelines with his body and mind while acting than those in everyday life. He equates these principles, which are not used in everyday life, with the word technology and then continues to write about acting techniques . The body technique we use in everyday life is influenced by our culture, our profession and our social status. In the representation of an actor, however, the use of the body is completely different.

This pragmatic science makes the creative process accessible to the researcher and is intended to increase the freedom of the actor in the creative process. The philologist Anton Bierl writes that theater anthropology emphasizes the structural similarities between ritual and theater. According to the criteria of immediacy and ephemerism established by theater anthropology , almost everything becomes a performance that is placed in an appropriate framework by the actor.

The best-known representative of theater anthropology was the Polish director and theater reformer Jerzy Grotowski , who in later years also held the chair of the same name at the Collège de France .

Theater anthropology with Gerda Baumbach

Different theories about the actor emerge on the basis of different images of man, anthropological concepts and acting itself. Acting itself also works on the drafts of the image of man. Being human and acting are interdependent. Theater anthropology examines people in the special situation of acting, in states of performing, performing and showing off. Here people are not only researched on a socio-cultural level, but also on a physiological level. The actor analyzes being human and shows his results.


  • Eugenio Barba: A Paper Canoe : A Treatise on Theater Anthropology , International Theater Ensemble, 1998, ISBN 3-9804764-6-4
  • Michael Hüttler , Susanne Schwinghammer, Monika Wagner: Departure to new worlds: Theatricality at the turn of the millennium , Volume 1 of the writings of the Society for TheaterEthnology, IKO-Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 2000, ISBN 3-88939-542-2
  • Monika Meister: Thinking theater: aesthetic strategies in the scenic arts. Publisher: Sonderzahl-Verlags-Gesellschaft, Vienna 2009. 335 pp. ISBN 978-3-85449-314-3

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Individual evidence

  1. Christopher Balme: Introduction to Theater Studies . Erich Schmidt, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-503-04937-1 , p. 127 (200 p., Limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. ^ Barba, Eugenio, A canoe made of paper. Treatise on theater anthropology, Cologne: Studio 7 - International Theater Ensemble e. V. 1998, p. 22.
  3. ^ Barba, Eugenio, "About oriental and occidental acting", in: Theater in the 20th century. Program fonts, style periods, comments, Ed. Manfred Brauneck , Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag 2009, pp. 451 - 456, here: p. 451.
  4. ^ Anton Bierl: The choir in the old comedy: ritual and performativity . (with special consideration of Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazusen and the Phalloslieder fr. 851 PMG). In: Contributions to antiquity . tape 126 . Walter de Gruyter, 2001, ISBN 3-598-77675-6 , pp. 15 u. a . (457 p., Limited preview in Google Book search).
  5. Baumbach, Gerda, actor. Historical anthropology of the actor. Volume 1. Acting styles, Köthen: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2012, p. 127f.
  6. Baumbach, Gerda, actor. Historical anthropology of the actor. Volume 1. Acting styles, Köthen: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2012, p. 136.