Amerang theater community

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Today's Amerang theater community came into being in 1981. At that time, the new multi-purpose hall was inaugurated in Amerang . On this occasion, a handful of enthusiastic youngsters played various plays at the inauguration celebrations. I wrote one of them myself at the time. This gave the Amerangers the courage to found their own association, the Amerang theater community, that same year. The stage and backdrops were built and in the spring of 1982 the first big performance was staged with “S´ dreifache Glück”. In 1983 the theater community Amerang e. V. registered in the register of associations.

In 2007, the Amerang e. V. celebrates its 25th anniversary, as part of which it took place on 20./21. April also hosted the 33rd District Day of the Association of Bavarian Amateur Theaters at Amerang Castle .

Already on March 10, 2003 the theater community was able to honor the 50,000th visitor after only 21 years, which corresponds to a cut of over 2000 visitors per season. The open-air play "Hottawa" alone, played in the Amerang farmhouse museum, attracted 5,000 visitors.


The theater community was characterized regionally by two plays by Sepp Faltermaier . In 1988 and 2002 they played the historical open-air play “Hottowa”, and in 2007 the early comedy “Der Weiberfeind”.

Demanding folk plays such as “Räuber Kneißl - zuagricht, hergricht, higricht” (2005) and “Magdalena” (2004), “Der Wittiber” (1995), “Da Dirndljaga” (1992) and “Die Shrewd” (1987) are also part of the series Repertoire such as the fairy tales "Rumpelstiltskin" (2005), "Snow White" (2001) and "Hansel and Gretel" (1996) as well as the comedies "Die Dorfpassion" (2006), "Circus Circus" (2003), "Pension Schöller" ( 2001), "The Anniversary Celebration" (2000), "Graf Schorschi" (1999), "Der Hochstandsjosef" (1998), "Arsenic and Top Hat" (1997), "The Blue Mouse" (1996), "The Honorary Citizen" ( 1994), "Die Witwen" (1993), "Das liederliche Kleeblatt" (1991), "A Handvoi Scherbn" (1990), "Der wilde Theobald" (1986), "Die Hosenknopfaffäre" (1985) and "Mit oan Fuß im Gemeindsarrest "(1983) as well as the Schwänke" Am Wegweiser zum 7. Himmel "(1984) and" s'dreifache Glück "(1982). In addition to the historical court scene "Hofmarksgericht" (1995, 2001), the "Valentinaden" (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999) stand out, but also the religious game "Frau Pilatus" (1989).


The historical open-air play "Hottowa" by Sepp Faltermaier, written especially for the theater community and performed in the Amerang farmhouse museum in 1988 and 2002, is about the strange, but written and oral, events in 1706 at the Leiboldsberger Hof, which is now called Heinrichsberg and not far from Amerang is in the municipality of Pittenhart. The piece is named after a Hungarian drum that billeted there with two journeymen and destroyed the family's happiness. Tradition reports that only the child Traudi could stop the dangerous hustle and bustle with the look of her blue eyes. The dangerous trio did not leave the court until the Pandours and Croats were recalled to the Turkish border, but Hottowa's ghost is said to still haunt the Heinrichsberg area to this day.
