Theodor Falkeisen (copperplate engraver)

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Theodor Falkeisen (* 1768 in Basel ; † 1814 there ) was a Swiss engraver , etcher , draftsman , painter , publisher and orphan carer.


Theodor Falkeisen was born in 1768 as the son of the Basel pastor and art collector Theodor Falkeisen (1729-1815) and his wife Esther Bernoulli. The Falkeisen had acquired Basel citizenship in 1508 and worked as university lecturers, pastors and publishers. Theodor Falkeisen completed an apprenticeship as a copper engraver with Johann Rudolf Holzhalb in Zurich . He then worked in Basel for Christian von Mechel's art publishing house . In 1788 he went to Paris to study and continued his education with Carl Guttenberg . From Paris he went on to London , where he became seriously ill. Back in Basel, he continued to work for Mechel, but it took years to cure the London illness.

In 1805, after Christian von Mechel's abandonment, Theodor Falkeisen set up his own business with the art dealer Falkeisen & Huber , despite the decline of the trade in Basel . Partner was the medalist Johann Friedrich Huber (1766–1832). He stabbed and laid landscapes and copies of old masters. He also worked as an art dealer and broker.

In 1809 he gave up the business and took over the office of orphan carer. As a part-time job, he continued to dig copper. He made an engraving on Johann Heinrich Füssli's Nachtmahr , for whose rights he paid Füssli 30 guineas . His last sheet, The State Prisoners at Aarburg after Heinrich Pfenninger , remained unfinished. Theodor Falkeisen died of typhus in Basel in 1814 . He was married to Katharina Barbara von Brunn since 1801 and had five children. Today, Falkeisen is regarded as a reproduction artist and copyist . There are independent and signed (T with underscore) pictures by Theodor Falkeisen. In 2011 a Madonna and Child came up for auction at the Koller auction house in Zurich.


  • The Death of General Wolfe , after Benjamin West (1738–1820) and William Woollet (1735–1785), copper engraving, 1789
  • The Alpmahr , after Johann Heinrich Füssli, copper engraving
  • Madonna and Child , painting in oils
  • The state prisoners at Aarburg , after Heinrich Pfenninger, unfinished copper engraving, 1814


  • Theodor Falkeisen . In: Notes on Art and Artists in Basel. Edited by the Art Association as an addition to this year's art exhibition. Basel, 1841, p. 81.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Georg Kaspar Nagler: New general artist lexicon: or messages from life ... Volume 6, entry on Johann Friedrich Huber, Munich, Fleischmann, 1838, p. 338.
  2. ^ Gert Schiff: Johann Heinrich Füssli's Milton Gallery. Fretz & Wasmuth, 1963, p. 13.
  3. Theodor Falkeisen. In: Notes on Art and Artists in Basel. Edited by the Art Association as an addition to this year's art exhibition. Basel, 1841, p. 81.
  4. ^ Rudolf Vierhaus: German Biographical Encyclopedia: Einstein-Görner. Walter de Gruyter, 2006, p. 224.