Theodor Hinrich Elmenhorst

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Theodor Hinrich Elmenhorst (born February 7, 1801 in Altona , † April 14, 1876 in Altona ) was a German-English merchant and shipping company owner .


Theodor Hinrich Elmenhorst came from the old Altona merchant family Elmenhorst . The second-born son and second of four children of Peter Daniel Elmenhorst and Maria Elisabeth Donner (1776-1857), who came from the family of the Altona banker Conrad Hinrich Donner , was born in Altona. After completing his commercial apprenticeship, Elmenhorst went to London. There he founded his own company in 1825 and also took English citizenship in 1847.

In April 1829 Elmenhorst married Constanze Heyne (1806–1881) in Altona. The marriage resulted in nine children, some of them born in London and some in Altona. With his nine children he founded the four family lines that still exist today, the Theodor Hinrichschen Ast (after Theodor Hinrich Elmenhorst, 1838-1883), the Walterschen Ast (after Walter Richard Elmenhorst, 1839-1894), the Percivalschen Ast (after John Percival Elmenhorst , 1841–1913) and the Friedrichschen Ast (after Friedrich Wilhelm Elmenhorst, 1847–1908). The male firstborn of each tribe still bears the respective name as one of his first names. The maiden name of his mother, Maria Elisabeth Donner, was given to the first-born son Otto Donner Elmenhorst (1831–1877) as a middle name, as is the case with Hamburg's upper-class citizens.

Around 1842 Elmenhorst returned to Altona to take over his mother's shares in the Elmenhorst Gebrüder company , which after the death of his father in 1816, together with his brother Johann Christian Elmenhorst (1797-1834) and his brother-in-law Friedrich Diedrich Warnholtz (1801 –1868). Theodor Hinrich Elmenhorst took up residence at the prestigious Altonaer Palmaille in house number 31. After his death, the Elmenhorst Gebrüder company was liquidated as one of the oldest trading houses in Altona.
