Theodore D. Kemper

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Theodore D. Kemper (born December 29, 1926 ) is an American sociologist . He is Professor Emeritus at St. John's University in New York City .

Kemper is considered a pioneer in the sociology of emotions . With Randall Collins , he developed the power-status theory , in which they claim that strong emotions are evoked when power and status relationships in social relationships change. If individuals retain or gain power or status, according to Kemper they feel satisfied, secure and trustworthy; On the other hand, if they lose power or status, they become afraid, fearful and lose trust.

Kemper differentiates between structural, situational and anticipatory emotions. As structural emotions he describes affective states that result from relative power and relative status within the social structure, as situation-related emotions those that result from changes in power and status through social interaction and as anticipatory emotions those that result from the expectation of power and status arise.

He also viewed love and affection in the light of these views .


  • Theodore D. Kemper: Social Structure and Testosterone: Explorations of the Socio-Bio-Social Chain , Rutgers University Press, June 2006, ISBN 978-0813515519
  • Theodore D. Kemper: Power and Status and the Power-Status Theory of Emotions , Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions: Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, 2006, Part II, pp. 87–113, doi : 10.1007 / 978-0- 387-30715-2_5
  • Theodore D. Kemper: Fantasy, females, sexuality, and testosterone , Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Cambridge University Press, Volume 21, No. 3, pp. 378-379, 1998 - abstract
  • Theodore D. Kemper: Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions , American Ethnologist, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 192-193, February 1993, doi : 10.1525 / ae.1993.20.1.02a00120
  • Theodore D. Kemper: Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions , 1990, ISBN 978-0-7914-0269-6 - Abstract
  • Theodore D. Kemper: A Social Interactional Theory of Emotions , John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1978, ISBN 978-0471014058
  • Theodore D. Kemper: Mate selection and marital satisfaction according to sibling type of husband and wife , Journal of Marriage and the Family, August 1966, pp. 346-349. JSTOR 349886

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Theodore D Kemper. St. John's University, accessed February 19, 2011 .
  2. ^ A b c Jonathan H. Turner, Jan E. Stets: The sociology of emotions , Cambridge University Press, 2005, ISBN 978-0-521-84745-2 , ISBN 978-0-521-61222-7 , chapter “Theodore Kemper's Power – Status Model ”, p. 216