Theological home school

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A theological home school (also philosophical-theological home school ) was a non-public school for basic theological training organized within a monastery.


The monastery schools , also known as schola interior , offered on the one hand a theological basic training geared towards religious spirituality for all those who later became active as pastors , religious teachers or aspired to the priesthood and on the other hand also represented a preparation for the study of theology offered at universities Training was aimed exclusively at future monks and nuns and was carried out by the religious community itself.


Originally, it was the sole responsibility of the bishops or abbots to set up and manage private schools. With growing requirements, the theological home teaching institutions were given more and more rules, including by the state. For example, they were only allowed in places without other educational institutions and had to be run like public teaching institutions: there had to be taught with trained teachers according to a curriculum, exams had to be taken and the graduates had to be reported to the state authorities. In addition, in the 18th and 19th centuries, parallel to the private schools , the collegiate high schools developed from the public monastery schools of the Middle Ages , which also prepared for university studies or enabled broad theological education. The theological home teaching institutions were partially closed, transferred to grammar schools or elevated to theological colleges and seminaries .

Theological home teaching institutions existed in the Altenburg , Heiligenkreuz , Klosterneuburg , Melk , Lilienfeld , Göttweig and St. Florian monasteries ,


In the 20th century at the latest, the theological home teaching institutions were dissolved or transferred to other types of schools. In 1971 the St. Pölten Diocese of St. Pölten became the Philosophical-Theological University of St. Pölten or the Benedict XVI Philosophical-Theological University in the Heiligenkreuz Abbey.

Individual evidence

  1. On the history of theology studies in St. Pölten


Joseph Helfert : On the rights and duties of bishops and pastors , Sommer'sche Buchdruckerei, Prague 1832