Theron of Akragas

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Theron of Akragas (* around 540/530 BC; † 473/472 BC) was a tyrant in ancient Sicily . He came from the Emmenid family , the exact date (usually dated to 488 BC) and the way in which he came to power in Akragas (today's Agrigento ) is unclear. Important chronological key dates are the conquest of Himeras in 483 BC. BC and the participation in the Carthaginian Wars with subsequent victory together with his son-in-law Gelon of Syracuse 480 BC. Chr .; through the rich booty of victory Akragas was able to rise to a prosperous city (which was then glorified in the Pindarscholia ). 476 BC He was also Olympic champion of the 76th Olympic Games of Antiquity in Tethrippon .

Theron appears to have been a mild tyrant, although he may be portrayed as being all too good in the Pindarsia. Because he was not lacking in tough features, as the severe punishment against the Himeraer shows after they had rebelled against him.

Despite the conflict with Hieron 477, Theron soon reconciled with him, so that one can discover a tendency in Theron to shy away from the fight against a more powerful enemy, so one can assume a certain "reason of state" with him. His son Thrasydaios probably did not have this and had to flee soon after Theron's death in 472 after he had succeeded him.

See also

Tomb of Theron


  1. ^ Winners list at the Foundation of the Hellenic World

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