Thomas J. Jelinek

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Jelinek, 2015

Thomas Jelinek (* 1964 in Stockholm , Sweden ) is a director, dramaturge, installation and project artist.


Thomas Jelinek works as a director and dramaturge with contemporary composers, choreographers and artists from various fields, is a producer and curator, and also designs theater and communication spaces.

He also founded the and the LABfactory , of which he is the artistic director. Thomas Jelinek is also co-founder and dramaturge of the performance company Liquid Loft .

From 2000 to 2008 he was chairman of IG Kultur Wien.

He is married to the choreographer and performance artist Aiko / Kazuko Kurosaki, sister of the baroque violinist Hiro Kurosaki .

Jelinek lives in Vienna.


  • 1998: 1st Theater Prize of the Donaufestival (Krems / A) for "Johnny got his Gun" ( Dalton Trumbo )
  • 2003: ORF Prize for Art: "Best Short" for "Dante's Inferno"
  • 2007: Golden Lion of the Biennale di Venezia for best performance (with Liquid Loft),
  • Theater awards: Szczecin (PL), Biennale-Lyon (F) a. a.

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