Thomas Rolfe

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Thomas Pepsironemeh Rolfe (born January 30, 1615 in Virginia , † 1680 in Virginia) was the only son of Pocahontas and her British husband, John Rolfe .


Thomas Rolfe is named after the English governor Sir Thomas Dale , with whom he and his family traveled from Virginia to England in 1616 on board the Treasurer . In the spring of 1617 his mother Pocahontas became critically ill and died. Two-year-old Thomas suffered from the same illness but recovered. The child was too weak to return to Virginia, and so stayed with his paternal uncle in Plymouth while his father traveled on alone.

In 1619 John Rolfe remarried and in 1620 Thomas had a half-sister named Elizabeth Rolfe (1620-1635). In 1622 the father died in Virginia. Thomas was raised by his uncle and lived with him until he was twenty years old. In 1635 he finally returned to Virginia and promoted the plantations there that he had inherited from his father. He was recognized as a descendant of Pocahontas and a member of their family.

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Rolfe. Retrieved November 18, 2016 .