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Tiasa ( Greek  Τίασα ) is in Greek mythology a naiad of the river of the same name or its sources, which was near Amyclai near Sparta . Her father is the river god Eurotas . On the river Tiasa stood a sanctuary which was dedicated to the only two Charites, Kleta and Phaenna , who were worshiped by the Spartans and which was supposedly founded by Lacedaemon . It can probably be identified with the Tiassa of Hesych and the Tiassos of Athenaios .


Web links

  • Tiasa in the Theoi Project (English)


  1. Pausanias , Description of Griechland 3,18,6
  2. Hesych sv Τίασα .
  3. Athenaios, Deipnosophistai 4,139b.