Lowland rock cock

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Lowland rock cock
Lowland rock cock (Rupicola rupicola)

Lowland rock cock ( Rupicola rupicola )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Screeching Birds (Tyranni)
Family : Ornamental birds (Cotingidae)
Subfamily : Rupicolinae
Genre : Rock Roosters ( Rupicola )
Type : Lowland rock cock
Scientific name
Rupicola rupicola
( Linnaeus , 1766)

The lowland rock cock , Guyana cliff bird , cayenne cliff bird, or orange rock cock ( Rupicola rupicola ) is one of two species in the genus of rock cock or cliff bird ( Rupicola ).


Forelock of a male

The lowland rock cock has a stocky build and strong feet. The males have bright, light orange plumage with a broad, fan-shaped tuft that extends over the head and almost completely covers the beak. They are about the size of a dove, 32 to 35 cm long and brightly orange in color. The wings are black with white mirrors. The tail is chocolate brown and tapering off in orange. The female is olive gray in color, tail and wings are brown, only the under wing coverts are light orange.


The lowland rock cock is found in Guyana , Suriname , southern Venezuela and the Rio Negro area. He lives there in the tropical and subtropical primeval forest, preferably in mountainous and water-rich areas.


  • The modern animal lexicon. Bertelsmann Publishing Group, Volume 3, 1981

Web links

Commons : Guyana cliff bird ( Rupicola rupicola )  - album containing pictures, videos and audio files