Timothy Holme

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Timothy Holme (* 1928 in Great Britain , † 1987 in Italy ) was an English actor, journalist and writer.


Immediately after leaving school, Holme went to the theater. Since after seven years as an actor there was still no resounding success, he gave up this job and began writing as a freelance journalist for various newspapers and magazines.

Holme went to Italy for a long time to learn the language there. A short time later he married his language teacher and settled with her near Verona .


The biography Goldoni convinced on their appearance audience as well as the official criticism and is often quoted to this day. In addition, his cycle of detective novels around the protagonist "Achille Peroni" is most likely to be mentioned. His plays survived very few, if any, performances.

Works (selection)


Detective novels
  • Tall story. A comedy in three acts . Evans, London 1957 (with Stanford Holme).


Individual evidence

  1. a b also available as an audio book in German
  2. former title: The Last Regatta (1997) and Murder in Venice (1987).

Web links