Titan Rain

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As Titan Rain is from the US government a series of Chinese hackers called, which had the goal of confidential information from the US military to come or the armaments industry.

According to Spiegel, the hacking group numbered 20 people, according to information from the Times , which relies on a security expert named Shawn Carpenter , the attackers followed a recurring pattern. They invaded the servers.

In 2004 over 79,000 attacks were counted, of which 1,300 were successful. Most of the attacks could be classified as low risk, but the extent of the damage has not yet been established, according to the Washington Post . According to heise security , data on the mission planning system for helicopters of the Army and the flight plan program Falconview 3.2 of the Army and Air Force were copied from the “ Redstone Arsenal , the headquarters of the Army Aviation and Missile Command”.

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Chinesische-Angreifer-klauen-Daten-von-Server-der-US-Regierung-151864.html heise security


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