Tiziano Tessitori

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Tiziano Tessitori

Tiziano Tessitori (born January 13, 1895 in Sedegliano , Province of Udine , † April 19, 1973 ) was an Italian politician of the Democrazia Cristiana (DC), who was a member of the Constituent Assembly ( Assemblea Costituente ) between 1946 and 1948 and a member from 1948 to 1972 of the Senate ( Senato della Repubblica ) was. In addition, he temporarily held various ministerial offices.


After attending school, Tessitori studied law and then worked as a lawyer . After the end of the Second World War he was elected in the first elections on June 2, 1946 for the DC in the constituency of XI Udine as a member of the Constituent Assembly (Assemblea Costituente) , of which he was a member until January 31, 1948. During this time he was a member of the election committee.

In the elections of April 18, 1948 , Tessitori was first elected a member of the Senate ( Senato della Repubblica ) and represented the interests of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region until May 24, 1972 . During this first legislative period , he was a member of the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Colonies between June 1948 and June 1953 and a member of the executive committee of the DC parliamentary group from January 1949 to December 1951 .

Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi appointed him on April 19, 1951 in his sixth cabinet for the first time to a government office, namely as Undersecretary of State in the Treasury (Sottosegretario di Stato per il Tesoro) . He also held this office in the seventh cabinet of De Gasperi , where he was responsible in this cabinet from July 27, 1951 to July 15, 1953, in particular for war pensions.

In the eighth Cabinet De Gasperi Cabinet Pella , first Cabinet Fanfani , Cabinet Scelba and in the first cabinet Segni Tessitori held from July 19 1953 to May 18, 1957, the function of the High Commissioner for Hygiene and Public Health (Alto Commissario per l'Igiene e la Sanità pubblica) and was practically the health minister of these governments. During the third legislative period, he was briefly Chairman of the Senate Electoral Committee from May to July 1960 and subsequently from July 26, 1960 to February 20, 1962, Minister without Portfolio for the Reform of Public Administration (Ministro senza portafoglio per la riforma della pubblica amministrazione ) in the third cabinet Fanfani .

Most recently, Tessitori was again chairman of the Senate Electoral Committee in the fifth legislative term in June 1968, before he again held the office of minister with no portfolio for the reform of public administration in the second Leone cabinet between June 24 and December 11, 1968 .

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