Death of Mouhcine Fikri

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Burial of Fikris in Imzouren

The Mouhcine Fikri death is a criminal case that occurred in Al Hoceïma in October 2016 . The Moroccan fishmonger was killed in the press of a garbage truck in the presence of local government officials. This led to nationwide protests in Morocco.

Course of events

The fishmonger Mouhcine Fikri ( Arabic محسن فكري, DMG Muḥsin Fikrī ; * September 1985 in Imzouren ; † 28. October 2016 in Al Hoceima ) was in the port of Al Hoceima at 500 kg swordfish controlled, the at this time closed season had. During the inspection by the fisheries authority, the fish was confiscated, thrown into a garbage truck for destruction and the driver instructed to operate the press. Fikri followed with other traders to save the fish (market value around 10,000 euros). When the press was switched on, the three others were able to leave the container while Fikri was killed by the press. There are different speculations about the exact course of events.

Legal consequences

At the end of April 2017, an appeal court pronounced the judgment on the parties involved in this case. The head of the fisheries authority was sentenced to 8 months in prison. However, the verdict was not pronounced on the death of Fikris, but on the falsification of documents in this case. The garbage truck driver was sentenced to 5 months imprisonment and a fine of MAD 500 for manslaughter for negligent conduct of the press  . The inspector and port workers were also sentenced to pay MAD 33,000 in compensation.


It was suspected that the fish was destroyed because Fikri refused to pay a bribe. Thereupon a wave of protests broke out and analogies were drawn with the case of Mohamed Bouazizi . The resulting Hirak Rif protest movement led by Nasser Zefzafi called for demonstrations that were followed by tens of thousands; this led to the largest nationwide protests in Morocco since the Arab Spring. The protests have continued ever since. Most recently, thousands of the Hirak movement protested in Rabat in April 2019, and further protests have been announced.

Individual evidence

  1. NZZ: Persistent Resistance in Morocco , October 26, 2017.
  2. Artile at from November 1, 2016 The dead fishmonger becomes a problem for the king
  3. ^ Maghreb Post - Court of Appeal pronounces judgment in the death of Mouhcine Fikri April 27, 2017
  4. ^ Maghreb Post - Protests in Al Hoceima after the death of a fish trader, October 30, 2016
  5. - When fear rules, July 11, 2018
  6. Süddeutsche Zeitung - Morocco is experiencing a second Arab Spring, July 14, 2017
  7. Deutschlandfunk: Military service against the protest? April 27, 2019.